Combat experience should make you better at defending against attacks. d20 and 3.5e don’t do that – they let magic armor make you better. That sucks. Let’s look at something different.
React to the new Opportunity
We want to make the game faster and more engaging – so let’s change opportunity attacks. What follows are rules for d20 and 3.5e to codify a new action type, the reaction, and explore some of the potential depth in this new play space.
Design Philosophy, part 2
Today’s blog will discuss our guiding principles for addressing some of these concerns. I’m not going to get into the details of the crunchy fixes today; instead, I will outline the overarching principles and give some examples of where the base game violates that for us. We want to emphasize simplicity, depth, engagement, and speed.
Design Philosophy, part 1
How do we differentiate ourselves from other hobbyists? In the first part of our design philosophy, we’ll discuss what makes d20 v3.5 the best and worst roleplaying system available.